The Congress of Councils

The Veikan Flag is a tricolor with two equally sized horizontal blue and black stripes and a larger in size white stripe. The flag has been in official use since at least the 18th century, but used unofficially and by civilians since the 15th century.
There are several explanations to the meaning and origin of the flag, but none can be confirmed as a fact. The flag has been in use since at least the 15th century and probably prior by the people of Veikaia due to its simpler design when compared to the Veikan Kingdom's flag during this period which meant it was easier and cheaper to produce for the poorer sectors of society. The main and generally accepted theory of its origin is that the flag is simply the colors of the old Royal Family's coat of arms in the form of a tricolor, a popular flag design during the time period. A probable explanation for the noticeably larger top white stripe is a general widespread cultural appreciation for the color white in Veikaia, it being generally linked with holiness and the characteristic Veikan winters which blanket the entire country each year.