History of Veikaia

The Council Republic of Veikaia is located in the eastern part of West Artemia, bordering its rival Veikan Republic (Coloquially known as South Veikaia) to the south, Modrovia to the south-east, Ostboland to the north-east and Mespalia and Embrea across the sea to the west. The nation occupies the northern half of what used to be the Kingdom of Veikaia, covering a total of 386,600 km2.
The country offers a relatively uniform topography, being primarily composed of hills, steppes and plains Veikaia is one of the flattest countries in Anterra. Several rivers can be seen across the surface of Veikaia, but the largest and most important (Both geographically and culturally) river is considered to be the river Vei, crossing across the capital of Oztov and believed to give the country its name. The southern regions of the country are characterized by being primarily flat, rolling plains covered in forests of varying densities while the northern areas of the country are composed of hills and steppes. A lot of the country's dense forests have been deforested to accommodate for the country's blooming and large agricultural sector which has led to concerns from conservation organizations that this large scale deforestation might cause the extinction of several local species of flora and fauna.
Veikaia has a varied amount of fauna thanks to its large areas of forests and lightly touched wilds, ranging from Artemian brown bears commonly used in regional and historical royal heraldry to roe deer, grey wolves, rabbits, wild boars, lynxes and moose. Many species of owls and eagles can be spotted across the country's wilderness. Most of the bear population in the country can be found in the northern areas of the country across the highland taiga, while wolves are generally found in the southern mixed forests. The country's rivers and sea are home to species of salmon, sturgeon, herring, trout, pike and smelt among many others. Mink and otters also live in and around the country's lakes and rivers. Many species extinct in other areas of Artemia can be found roaming Veikaia's forests.
Much of Veikaia is covered in forests, primarily highland taiga on the north and sarmatic mixed deciduous and coniferous forests to the south. The most common species of trees found in the country are oak, poplar, willow and pines among others. Forests cover up around 30% of the country's territory, and are a refuge for most of the country's wild life.