The Table of Commissars

If the Congress of Councils is the brain of the nation, the Table of Commissars is its beating heart, dealing with the day to day operations of keeping the nation running smoothly.
The Table of Commissars (Sometimes shortened to VTCOM in English) is the Executive branch of the Veikan government, its members elected by the Congress of Councils generally every 6 years, but without a term limit. The head of the VTCOM is the Head of State and representative of the Veikan Council Republic abroad. The tasks of the Table of Commissars can be compared to those of a table of ministers, each tasked with the executive management of specific areas of the state.
While most long term power ultimately rests on the Congress of Councils and its Chairman, the VTCOM has the ability to act in the short term to manage issues that require urgent or quick attention, such as military operations, economical logistics, quota management and welfare.